
Key Benefits of Biblical Studies
Did you know that there is much more that can be done with a Biblical Studies Certificate?

The Call for Duty
Above and beyond. The call for duty: "Writing God's words in heart and in mind"
Hebrews 8:10

The Seed of God
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
John 15:5
Check out our lesson series!
Why is it essential to watch our lesson series?
To start, complete our lesson series and collect each passcode. Follow the link indicated in our videos and take our application examination. Study and apply and become our official student!
What our graduates' say?
At ZHTC, I found the true God- the only God I’ve been seeking all my life. It may sound very unbelievable, but it’s in this program where I was able to understand God and all the deep things of the Bible. All the things I never understood before and all the questions I’ve been asking regarding God and His word have been answered through the lessons. What is said in Jeremiah 29:13, ”You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” just came into reality. I sought God with all my heart and now I found Him. Throughout the journey, I considered all the lessons as something deeper than just mere knowledge. The word served as my daily food, which helped me to continue living. It’s a matter of eternal life and death for me so I took the program very seriously. Now I am more than happy to receive this heavenly gift. I pray that everyone can be able to study in ZHTC and receive the word coming from above.
Cherry Mae
As a ZHTC alumnus, I can say that it wasn’t easy for me to keep my attendance and pass all quizzes and exams because half of my journey being a student was also the time I took my licensure examination for pharmacy. But, as I focused more on God’s word, it made me confident that whatever happens, God will lead me to the path where He wants me to be. I tried so hard to attend the classes and find comfort in Him against all the pressures to pass the mock boards and the finances that come along with it. Indeed, God never failed me both in my physical needs and spiritual desires. The word revealed to me amazed me even up to this moment. The ultimate benefit I have attained in the study is, knowing who I am in God’s eyes along with my purpose. If God is knocking into the doors of your hearts today, I hope that you heed to His invitation. Surely, you will prosper in everything you do.
Thank you, ZHTC. Studying the word of God in ZHTC was my first online class, and it was a great learning experience for me. Aside from enjoying every aspect of the class, I have grown so much in so many ways. I admit that I’m not into the Bible before, but when I was invited by a friend to study online in ZHTC, I took the chance because it is also FREE. What struck me most in the journey was to see myself gradually changing. While I am juggling with my work, I still put the study on top of my priorities because the word is very precious. Every lesson, there’s an unraveling of God’s mystery. God is truly alive! I hope many people can study at ZHTC.
My experience in this program was very spiritually fulfilling. I enjoyed taking these two courses despite the conflicting schedule I have. There were many surprises from the lessons that put me in awe. When I was studying, nothing of my hardships mattered most compared to the revelations I came to know. The knowledge I received helped me to become more effective in my ministry today. The graduation certification isn’t the only benefit I received, but the word that has been guiding every moment of my life and the hope I found. I look forward to taking more classes in the future!