The Seed of God

Have you ever experienced relaxing under a big tree while listening to the rustling sound of its dancing leaves? Were you able to feel the gentle breeze blowing through your skin? How about the birds making a home or perching on its branches, did you realize how beautifully made they are? Indeed, it is so amazing how valuably trees have become. Not just it brings tranquility into our environment, but it also shelters us from the burning heat of the sun, covers us from heavy rain, and even so provides us the basic needs to live.

But, did you happen to think that every big tree you see around has originated from a very tiny seed?

Before it has fully grown to become essential to living beings and other creations, it first started as a small seed- nurtured, watered, and has undergone a severe process of change. Contained in this tiny little seed is a life that enables growth, maturity, and multiplicity.

On the contrary, a seed may also die and yield no benefit at all. It still depends on the quality of the soil and the kind of environment where it is grown.

In this simple representation of physical seed, we can somehow understand the seed that Jesus spoke in the Bible. In Luke 8:11, he said: This is the meaning of the Parable: The seed is the Word of God.

Like a physical seed, the Word of God contains life, and we know that it does not refer to the temporal life but an eternal one. With His Word planted in our hearts and minds, we can become fully alive in His eyes and be worthy to be called His children.

More so, we are ultimately responsible for nurturing the Word kept inside us so that we may be able to grow fully mature in our life of faith. We cannot solely say that we are mature believers by only attending Church services once or twice a month. In the same way as to how a physical seed needs a daily dose of water and sunlight to stay alive and grow, how much more the seed that contains eternal life? Shouldn’t we feed ourselves more with the Word daily or hourly? How much change could we achieve if we won’t indulge ourselves with the Word?

We must remember that God did not give his Word or seed for it to remain as seed forever. He wants it to grow within us so that we may be able to change, become functional and alive in His sight. No one, therefore, who received the true seed of God, will remain the same after all.

Like a big tree created from a little tiny seed, providing benefits to us and other creations, we can also have the following ability if we nurture the seed or the Word of God within us:

  • Grow strong and mature in our life of faith enough to survive during tough times and when strong winds blow,
  • Bear more fruits by evangelizing or sharing the Word with others,
  • Become a shelter when others with weak faith falter or shaken by the event and matters of the world,
  • Provide homes to the lost and wanderers, and
  • Become an agent of change.

However, if you realize that there is no change in your life even after attending Church, or continuously hearing the Word of God, then there could be a problem. It might be your inner self-on how you act upon the Word you receive, the community which you are part of, or the kind of Word that you receive- that it does not hold the truth about God, thereby not driving a change in your life.

There could be many uncertainties and unanswered questions that led you to look for more about the ultimate truth about God and His Word.

Maybe, it is the reason why you are reading this blog.

If you want further understanding and gain knowledge about God and His Word, you are always free to contact us and enroll in our theology course. Let us receive the good seed and grow fully by the truth and become harvested when the end comes.
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