The Duty of a True Believer

In a thriving world of Christianity, more and more believers experience intricacy in perceiving the very purpose of their existence. They somehow believe that by merely going Church, they have already served their life purpose. However, little do they know that there is more to a life of faith than by simply attending Church Services as it is only a part of the holistic duty of a true believer.

Several people may also dwell on the comfort of their own beliefs and neglect the idea behind their being. How heartbreaking could it be for God who created the heavens and the earth ( Genesis 1:1 ) to be disregarded by His own creation?

Sad to say, people nowadays continue to live their lives passively, enjoying, and consuming what the world could offer them and all the pleasures in it. They tend to forget to seek God and the truth behind Him. More so, as they are bound by the logic that everyone will still eventually die soon enough, they ignore to dig deeper into the inner hunger of their souls.

However, as believers who hope for eternal life, we should not hold on to the same mindset. We must seek God wholeheartedly and find the answers to the uncertainties concerning the ultimate purpose of our existence. As written in Deuteronomy 30:19, God, since the beginning, already emphasized that we must always choose something that will lead our path to life-a life not just in a temporary sense but an eternal one. Therefore, it is only of high importance to know the only true God and Jesus who bestow eternal life just as written in John 17:3. Once we can know God fully through studying the word, we can dedicate our life fully in service to God and can live a life of faith according to His standard.

More so, the scripture clearly says that everything has already been created through God and for God (Colossians 1:16), which means all creation with no exception to human beings-without social class, status, and religion. We are all purchased at a price, and consequently, no longer possess our life but of God (1 Corinthians 6:20). Meaning, we should all dedicate and offer our lives in doing God’s will because by doing so, we are serving the ultimate purpose of our existence, and that is the very duty by which God called us.

If anyone is in doubt, let him remember that God did not call the equipped, but rather, He equips the called. Whatever purpose and plans God has prepared for His people, it is good to know that no matter what happens, it will surely stand just as He declared in Isaiah 14:24.

Let us never forget to seek God and study His word. We may think that we are small in this world, but God can make us great in His sight if we have the heart to seek, follow, and obey Him.

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