Key Benefits of Biblical Studies

A question often encountered by Bible students is this, “Why study the Bible, do you want to become a pastor?” Accreditation with studying the Bible might be the first step, but the precious word of God is not only intended for pastors but to all Christian believers.

It has more meaningful benefits than just gaining a Biblical Studies Certificate. It allows you to explore and understand Christianity and the different religious beliefs from around the globe. Ultimately, studying the word of God can help you grow spiritually and appreciate more all of the creation of God that surrounds you every day.

Here are the key benefits of studying the Bible that you might not have thought about using an acronym, HEART.

H eart of God

Achieve a deeper understanding of the Heart of God.
Theology helps you to understand, reflect, and often reevaluate how well you are doing in your relationship with God. It can give you a clear understanding of God by knowing the truths contained within the Bible and with the conversation that you will have to a group of scholars and co-believers. With this process, you will understand more of His Heart and Great Love towards all the inhabitants of the earth from the entire biblical history.
As you go further into Biblical Studies, you will be able to improve in your relationship with God and achieve the same kind of Heart that God has.

E quipped for the ministry

Biblical Studies provides a critical backbone to ministry, whether formally or informally. It can help you grow in your capability to be missional through everyday life by guiding your family, friends, church members, or having to initiate a bible study group. You can have the ability to teach a young person in a spiritually challenging area, or being able to answer a pointed question in public from a passing stranger. By becoming one with the word, you can be fully equipped and great wherever you are.

A ccreditation factor on your CV

With a Biblical Study Certificate, your CV will become more extraordinary. It will serve as proof that you can demonstrate a thorough understanding of God’s promises, including its historical development and intersection with the current socio-cultural times.
It shows that you have gone through the essential practice of critical thinking and engagement with the various aspects of beliefs, such as theological, cultural, ethical, philosophical, and political issues. As these subjects are at the core of a variety of world problems and debates, it makes you a more relevant member in the working environment.

R adiate your Purpose

Many governments and nonprofit organizations value the diversity that a biblical background provides. It can open opportunities to work in areas that you might never have thought before, such as in Community Development, Social Activities, Peace and Development, where understanding diverse beliefs is essential. Being on these fields allows you to radiate the purpose given to you by God and demonstrate a Godly standard in creating a harmonious, satisfied, and spiritually-filled environment.

T hrive in your Spiritual Calling

Many Bible students go into further study, teaching or practicing their careers in different fields using the skill set they acquired, such as critical thinking, public speaking, clear writing, problem-solving, and analysis of social and historical trends.

What do you think about the HEART benefits of studying the bible? Do you have more to add that we did not mention? You can share it with us! Contact us here!